yeule – Don’t Be So Hard on Your Own Beauty Lyrics


Don’t Be So Hard on Your Own Beauty Lyrics by yeule


The sullen look on your face tells me
You see something more pure in me than this dirty

When I’m
With you I no longer have tainted flesh
Where violation teared my dress before you

Took me away
I could not see past this horizon line
With my dying light that’s overgrown with

Thorny vines and piercing through
The only vein that’s still okay
You let me cry, and wipe my eyes
And you make me feel something other than

Desolated nothing
I am desperate in a nightmare
Where I’m trying to find you
In a maze with no staircase
I’m stuck and breathless

In the backroom of a spinning hall
Dizzy, I crawl and trip down
Fall again, you pick up all my guts
Spilling out, bruised up, bloodied up

I look into your eyes and see a bright white light
And you turn this horrible place

Orange light, sunset in sight, you tell me not to
Be so hard on my own beauty

You still
Hold me even though I’m made of fire burning through
You hold me gently, but these

Thorny vines and piercing through
The only vein that’s still okay
You let me cry, and wipe my eyes
And make me feel something other than

Desolated nothing
I am desperate in a nightmare
Where I’m trying to find you
In a maze with no staircase
I’m stuck and breathless

In the backroom of a spinning hall
Dizzy, I crawl and trip down
Fall again, you pick up all my guts
Spilling out, bruised up, bloodied up

Curled up in a ball
In the bathroom floor
Unconsciously, I feel you
Shake me awake from a bad dream
With my eyes open